Since 1856, the color magenta has captured the imagination of all. Originally called “Fuchsine” due to it’s substantial resemblance to the Fuchsia plant, this complex color was given its current name to commemorate a battle between France and Austria, fought near the Italian town of Magenta. To this day, Magenta has a strong place in our everyday lives. As one of the primary colors for printing and paint colors, this red-violet hue, along with cyan and yellow, helps to create all other colors we adore!



Product Links: Ceramic Sconce , Mirror



With it’s pink-y tone, Magenta is an inherently feminine color. It is also the color of harmony and emotional balance. The red base of this color offers a sense of energy, power, and passion, while the quiet introspection of violet comes through in the undertones. It is said that magenta promotes cooperation, kindness, and compassion.




Product Links: Ceramic Flush Mount



It is no wonder that Magenta has been selected as 2023’s Pantone Color of the Year! We have all felt the resurgence of normalcy as the restrictions from the pandemic continue to disappear over the horizon. A new sense of power and passion has altered our view of moving forward, what is to come, and what we have already accomplished in unprecedented times. This color is a call to the post, a request for us all to be who we’ve always wanted to be, despite set backs and obstacles galore. In a sense, this “feminine” color calls feminine energy to the forefront, allowing the fierceness of femininity to demand a place in all of our homes.




Product Links: Needle Point Pillow , Marigold Velvet Chair , Burl Wood Chest , Pagoda Table Lamp







Looking for a way to add a pop of Magenta to your home? Check out some of our favorite examples of Magenta in interior design!



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About the Author


Natalie is a Louisville native and a graduate from the University of Louisville, with a degree in Art History. Because of her love of design through history, Natalie’s style can be described as eclectic with a focus on historic design elements.

Check out some of Natalie's favorite products here!

Have questions or need help with your lighting design? Send Natalie an email!