The captivating Addison lighting collection is a modern-day interpretation of the iconic mid-century Tronchi chandelier. Inspired by its predecessor's sleek lines and geometric shapes, the Addison features a polished Chrome or Aged Brass metal frame that exudes sophistication and style. Its unique design showcases transparent tiers of textured Tronchi glass tubes, forming a mesmerizing 5-point rounded star shape. Choose from a range of glass colors, various sizes and finishes, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your space while adding a touch of timeless elegance.
Dimensions: 17.75" diam. x 13.75" H
Canopy: 5.25" diam.
Shades: Smoke, Autumn, Clear, or White
Finish: Polished Chrome
Lamping: (4) 40W E12 Candelabra
Rating: Dry